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RT-Tester 6.0-6.5.0 now available (new feature)

A new feature release is now available for all supported platforms.
Consider updating if you are using Version 6.0-6.4.2 or older.

New Features

  1. test-procedure configuration (*.rtp/*.conf):

    • new field DEFAULT_TIMEOUT that is used for a call

      rtt-run-test --timeout default <TESTPROCEDURE>

      this helps to define test-batches with meaningful default timeout (in project.rtp) and extend that timeout individually (in *.conf) if needed (implements #5420)

  2. RTTL Commands:

    • Added [check interval] syntax for:

      @rttWaitCondition[100 _ms](...)
      @rttWaitConditionSilent[100 _ms](...)
      @rttSelectX[100 _ms](...)
      @rttSelectXSilent[100 _ms](...)

      in order to check ‘only every xxx milliseconds’ instead of ‘as fast as possible’. This is useful if the check function creates log output and the condition to check for is stables (implements #5939)

  3. utility

    • added command line options --prerun, --postrun, --timeout and --zip that can be very helpful in many use cases

    • added option --user-name "My User" for test documentation

    • added command line option --status (show status of test procedures)

  4. signal extension:

    • added standard set operations @union, @intersection, and @difference for signal sets (implements #16387)

    • also expand the function-like signal commands @sigSetAt, @sigSetGetFirst, @sigSetGetRandom such that they may used as arguments to signal commands (e.g., ad-hoc signal sets)

  5. libraries (servicelib):

    • added Endianess read/write functions for integer values rtt_{read,write}_uint{16,32,64}_{Little,Big}Endian() rtt_flip_uint{16,32,64}_Endianess()


  1. @logSig command / rtt_filter_logsig utility

    • changed the data type used here from “float” to “double”, which improves the precision and avoids rounding problems for many use cases (implements #15851)
  2. update of DEMO suite [V-1.3]

    • includes more example tests for RTTL commands

    • improved short command descriptions

  3. User Manual:

    • added RTTL Command Brief Summary (“Cheat-Sheet”) as Appendix B.3

    • corrected explanation of @uut directive and included example (improves #16595)

  4. Scripts output (clean,compile,run,doc,get-tc-coverage):

    • reduced the information that is seen in normal mode, it is still visible with --verbose (part of #17190)

    • option --quiet now consequently suppresses output that is not strictly relevant, including the <stdout> output of make/compiler invocations; warnings and errors (<stderr>) will remain visible
      Also, --quiet is stronger than --verbose (implements #17190)

  5. utility rtt_mco:

    • included improvements from ccbm.V-5.7.1 (less memory consumption, which allows to process more input files)
  6. rtt-gen-test:

    • abort if parsing AM parameters fails (see #16547)

    • for call of RTS parser, do not redirect stderr to stdout (allow to see error messages)

  7. RTS file lexer (rttprep_rts):

    • robustness: when processing RTTL arguments that contain comments, preserve the number of line breaks in order to give better line number information in case of compile errors
  8. revised RTS file analysing (rttrts2tab):

    • improved documentation of @req identifier and explain the utility rttrts2tab, also included in Appendix A (implements #13910, 1)

    • text after @req is preserved in subsequent lines and also displayed in the testprocedure table (implements #13910, 2)

    • empty lines in explanations (e.g., @event) are preserved (implements #13910, 4)

    • leading white-spaces in explanations (e.g., @event) are preserved (implements #13910, 5)

    • repaired (in taglib) the situation where the rttPrint block contains no text before the first description entry (fixes #16482)

    • adjust counterpart (rtttab2tex) to distinguish lines that are truly empty (no blank) and those that have one leading blank (text continues), (part of #13910, 4)

  9. LWP handling:

    • allow LWPs (also ab initio) without AMs, since AMs can later migrate to that LWP (implements #15420)
  10. Stub file parsing (rttprep_stubs):

  • added option --sig-line (-S) that shows the location of a stub in a file
  1. license management:
  • added robustness wrt. OS request to user name, using all-lowercase variant and apply basic sanitation (see #16592) If in doubt, then the following command should be called

    export USER=$(rtt_aux_user)

    before calling rtt-begin-session

  • Documented rationale on non-permanent license files in rt-tester-license-mgmt.pdf (Verified-INT-002-2009)

  1. Windows Code Signing:
  • Changed to use DigiCert CA (currently best option)


  1. test documentation (rtt-doc-test):

    • better matching for AM log files when determining whether a test procedure has been run (fixes #16532)
  2. signal extension:

    • for duplicate (un)subscribe of a signal, do not spuriously force other cnodes to update their distribution map; instead, do nothing (fixes #16411)

    • corrected expansion of @-arguments in ad-hoc signal sets e.g., @{@sig(array[0])}; (fixes #16862)

  3. all scripts (e.g., rtt-compile-test):

    • refactored normalisation of RTT_TESTCONTEXT and RTT_PROJECT (depending on OS) for robustness, resolve setting with ‘..’ via readlink (fixes #16496)
  4. Cluster Configurations:

    • for Myrinet (GM) configuration part, added missing includes (fixes #16768)

    • abort test, if initialisation of cluster interface fails (fixes #16856)